The New Republic was founded in 1914 to bring liberalism into the modern era. The founders understood that the challenges facing a nation transformed by the Industrial Revolution and mass immigration required bold new thinking.
Today’s New Republic is wrestling with the same fundamental questions: how to build a more inclusive and democratic civil society, and how to fight for a fairer political economy in an age of rampaging inequality. We also face challenges that belong entirely to this age, from the climate crisis to Republicans hell-bent on subverting democratic governance.
We’re determined to continue building on our founding mission.

Read Today’s News & Opinion
Our Writers
Kate AronoffClimate & Energy
Matt FordLaw & The Courts
Heather Souvaine HornClimate Change
Jason LinkinsPower & Plutocracy
Edith OlmstedBreaking News
Greg SargentPolitics & Democracy
Alex ShephardPolitics & Media
Malcolm FergusonBreaking News
Melissa Gira GrantLGBTQ Rights
Ellie Quinlan HoughtalingBreaking News
Timothy NoahPolitics & Economy
Hafiz RashidBreaking News
Grace SegersCongress & Elections
Michael TomaskyPolitics & Ideas