TNR Staff: Slideshow: After the Knicks, Other Crises Linsanity Should Solve | The New Republic

Slideshow: After the Knicks, Other Crises Linsanity Should Solve

Now that Jeremy Lin has performed the unlikely feat of saving the New York Knicks from another dismal season, we thought it would be only fair for him to take his talents beyond the basketball court. Indeed, if the young Harvard graduate’s Lintastic powers of Linprovement are as special as advertised, there’s no reason he should be Lingering around the NBA. Here are a few other crisis situations we’re hoping Lin will soon direct his attention to:

President Lin-coln
An evangelical Christian celebrity with wide bipartisan support should be an obvious candidate for the GOP presidential primaries. While it’s true that his actual political beliefs remain a mystery, that shouldn’t prevent him from becoming a frontrunner: After all, it hasn’t stopped Mitt Romney. 

Stave Off Linsolvency
Jeremy Lin’s degree in economics from Harvard makes him a great candidate for solving Greece’s financial crisis. (For now, though, he might want to work on getting his average turnovers-per-game closer to his 3.1 GPA.)


Linternational Peace
With family ties to Taiwan and China—as well as millions of fans in both—Lin could use his popularity to broker a peace between the two long-feuding nations. If he can make the perennially dysfunctional Knicks work together, this should be a breeze.

Fight Lincome Linequality: Occupy Madison Square Garden
Even with a $600,000 salary from the Knicks and an endorsement contract with Nike, Lin is still one of the lowest-paid players in the NBA. Maybe he could use his lower-upper-upper class perspective to Linergize the Occupy movement. After all, camping in Zuccotti isn’t a huge step down from couchsurfing.

Linvestment Advisor
While rebounds aren’t an impact area in Lin's game on the court, he has certainly inspired them off the court: The Linsanity at Madison Square Garden has pushed that company’s stock to a record high. With the economy still fragile, there are plenty of other companies in need of saving.