My Book Is Out Today—And Other Ads for Self | The New Republic

My Book Is Out Today—And Other Ads for Self

Today is finally the day you can walk into a Barnes & Noble and pick up your copy of The Escape Artists—or, for that matter, simply order it on Amazon, no “pre-ordering” involved. On the off-chance you’d like to know what you’re getting into beforehand, The New York Times has a review of the book in today’s paper, and The Huffington Post has written about it here and here. You can also read my two excerpts in TNR—here and here--or check out an op-ed I have today in USA Today

Finally, for those who live in the New York City area, I’ll be having a one-on-one conversation about the book and the Obama economic team with Eliot Spitzer tonight at 7:30 at the 92nd St. Y in Tribeca. You can reserve a ticket here or just show up and buy one on the spot. I’d love to see you there and field some of your questions. 

Update: One other stop on the itinerary to mention: I’ll be doing an online chat with Chris Suellentrop, Yahoo’s deputy editor for blogs, and Jodi Kantor, author of The Obamas, today at 3:30 ET on Yahoo’s political blog, The Ticket. We’ll be chewing over, and fielding questions about, all things Obama (somewhat counter-intuitively, I realize). You can catch the discussion here.