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Debating School Pride and Crafting a Regional American Dictionary: Today's TNR Reader

Editor’s Note: Well be running the article recommendations of our friends at TNR Reader each afternoon on The Plank, just in time to print out or save for your commute home. Enjoy!

The power of a short story: This one ruined a legendary marriage.

The New Yorker | 9 min (2,204 words)

Truth in DARE: To Understand American English, one must look to the Dictionary of American Regional English.

The American Scholar | 4 min (1,004 words)

Do athletes who stay at college for only one year have any school pride? Yes, actually, and more than you would expect.

Grantland | 5 min (1,261 words)

Forget the Supreme Court: The future of healthcare is about obsessively monitoring our own bodies.

The Atlantic | 27 min (6,665 words)