Robot Romney, Cutting Brains, and Britain’s Real-Life Men In Black: Today’s TNR Reader | The New Republic

Robot Romney, Cutting Brains, and Britain’s Real-Life Men In Black: Today’s TNR Reader

Editor’s Note: We’ll be running the article recommendations of our friends at TNR Reader each afternoon on The Plank, just in time to print out or save for your commute home. Enjoy!

Biography and biology: Priscilla Long on what she learned about writing from the legendary scientist Stephen Jay Gould.

The American Scholar | 4 min (995 words)

Before it was disbanded in 2009, Britain’s UFO desk had spent five decades researching potential alien activity.

Boston Globe | 8 min (1,920 words)

Let Romney be Romney: Jonathan Freedland on the appeal of the Robot Candidate.

NYRB | 4 min (1,073 words)

Brain surgeon Henry Marsh reflects on cutting through thought itself: memories, reflections, dreams.

Granta | 12 min (3,084)