Here’s The Unexpurgated Romney “47 Percent” Video | The New Republic

Here’s The Unexpurgated Romney “47 Percent” Video

Mother Jones has now released a complete video of Romney’s remarks at a May 17 Boca Raton fundraiser. Rich Republicans had to pay $50,000 a plate to hear Romney say that people too poor to pay taxes will never “take personal responsibility and care for their lives”; mimic Henry Kissinger’s German accent; say the Palestinians have “no interest whatsoever in establishing peace”; get asked “why don’t you stick up for yourself? You should be so proud of your wealth!”; complain that “a highly intellectual discussion of a whole series of important topics typically doesn’t win elections”; say of disaffected Obama voters, “they love the phrase that he’s ‘over his head’”; explain why he turned down a Saturday Night Live gig (“you want to show that you’re fun and you’re a good person but you also want to be presidential. And Saturday Night Live has the potential of looking slapstick and not presidential”); maintain that after he appeared on The ViewWhoopi Goldberg told him, “you know what? I think I could vote for you!”; joke, “you know, I’m poor as a church mouse”; say, “we use Ann sparingly right now so that people don’t get tired of her or start attacking”; and more. Now you can watch it free of charge. Incidentally, the video is not entirely complete; there’s a gap between the end of part one and the start of part two.