Today's TNR Reader | The New Republic

Hazardous happiness, dangerous digital goods, and marking LA gang territory: Today's TNR Reader

 Editor’s Note: We’ll be running the article recommendations of our friends at TNR Reader each afternoon on The Plank, just in time to print out or save for your commute home. Enjoy!

How one thousand conquered one million: The rebel movement's baffling march on Goma.
Foreign Policy | 11 min (2,868 words)

The Myth of Happy: Do we spend too much time worrying about our happiness?
Boston Review | 6 min (1,398 words)

What do a smart bomb and a smartphone have in common? Dangerous, radioactive ingredients.
Mother Jones | 20 min (4,970 words)

Tombstones and turf wars: Touring LA gang territory.
Los Angeles Review of Books | 10 min (2,473 words)