Best Ad in The New Republic's History | The New Republic

Perhaps The Best Ad in The New Republic's History

This Old Rarity scotch whiskey ad (from September 2, 1967) has captured a special place in my heart. The specificity, the bizarre usage of "largest-selling" rather than "best-selling," the shock the Scotch's own manufacturer displays over its success. It's so spirited! So hopeful! So ... bizarre.

What's more, there's a caption that's not visible in the photo above. It reads:

For generations connoisseurs of fine whisky the world over have made Old Rarity their favorite scotch. And while our goal has always been to sell the best, we never thought Old Rarity would become a best-seller. But now it's happened. In Gary, Indiana. A grass roots movement. Is your town next?

So, in other words, Old Rarity came to Gary, Indiana, took the town by storm and now....