The New Republic Wins Type Directors Club Communication Design Competi | The New Republic

The New Republic Wins Type Directors Club Communication Design Competition


Washington, D.C. — The New Republic's Books and the Arts ampersand series won the Type Directors Club Communication Design Competition and received the "Certificate of Typographic Excellence." 

Over 2000 entries from 43 countries were submitted and 209 entries from 18 countries were selected, according to an announcement made by the Type Directors Club.

The ampersand series will be included in the Annual of the Type Directors Club, Typography 35, and will also be shown at the 60th Awards Exhibition in New York. All winners will be included in seven exhibitions touring cities in the United States, Canada, France, England, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Russia, Spain, Thailand, Taiwan and Vietnam, according to the Type Directors Club. 

"We created the ampersand series to give the Books and the Arts section a special kicking off point by inviting artists—designers, musicians, sculptors, photographers and choreographers—to visually interpret a section of the magazine that is all about the arts," says Dirk Barnett, Creative Director of The New Republic. "We're excited to see their work recognized." 

You can see the ampersand series in each new issue of The New Republic.