Valentine To The Soviet Union | The New Republic

My Soviet Valentine

Central Press/Hulton Archive/Getty Images

Be My Valentine

(Probable sequel to the American-Soviet agreement on cultural exchanges)

February 17, 1958

In honor of Valentine's Day 1958, pseudonymous author Sagittarius took a light-hearted look at ongoing diplomatic talks between the United States and Soviet Union on the subject of nuclear weapons tests. Though the Berlin and Cuban Missile Crises loomed in the near future, the powers did agree to a one-year ban on tests in March 1958.

(To Washington)
THIS valentine is just to tell
We may in co-existence dwell
If you will scrap the H-bomb test
And atom bases in the West.
My tender passion I declare,
And here enclose a lock of hair,
But if my courtship should be spurned
I pray that it may be returned. 

(To Moscow)
The lily's white, the violet's blue,
The rose is red and so are you.
I your proposal keep in mind,
But don't suppose I'm color-blind.

(To Washington)
Though love so far seems unrequited
I hope our lives will be united,
On wings of hope these words will fly
To join the hearts of U and I,
For no good reason can I see
That parts the hearts of
B and D.

(To Moscow)
Your note between the lines I read,
But still await a sign, sir;
Unless you follow word with deed,
I'm not your valentine, sir. 

(To Washington)
Good-morrow, valentine, betimes,
With boundless hope I greet you;
My heart right to the summit climbs,
And there I trust I'll meet you.
Just take my word you won't repine
If you will be my valentine. 

(To Moscow)
In spite of all the vows you make
I see no sign of give and take;
I don't believe the love you swear
And so return your lock of hair,
Your fond attentions I decline,
You diplomatic valentine.