V. Stiviano, Linda Tripp, and 5 Other Shameless Secret Tapers | The New Republic

The 5 Most Shameless Secret Tapers

When 31-year-old V. Stiviano cried, “I can’t be racist in my heart!” to 80-year old boyfriend and Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling, she joined a lineage of Americans who have secretly pressed “record” and chosen their own words with care while encouraging a friend or lover to do the opposite. Here are five more landmark moments in tape-recorded baiting.


"I’d love to see you be president. I think that would be wonderful. I think you’d make a, a damn good one. I don’t like Bush. I think he’s a sneaky bastard. . . . It’s like I told you before, whatever you need me to do, just let me know."

Gennifer Flowers, while taping a phone call with Bill Clinton, 1992


"I’m not condemning you, but it seems that as long as you recognize your problem, you would want to do something about it."

Phyllis Gates to gay husband Rock Hudson, during a conversation taped by a private detective hired by Gates, 1958


"Put it in here. Mmmm. Let me give you a lighter."

Hazel Diane “Rasheeda” Moore, while helping the FBI videotape Marion Barry, moments before his bust for crack use, 1990


"You guys do your thing. I’ll be in the office if you need me."

Bubba the Love Sponge Clem to wife Heather Clem and close friend Hulk Hogan, while taping Hulk and Heather having sex, 2006


"Well, the bright side is that if you do get a wonderful job in New York and get settled in a place and start a new life, that this could be the door that needed to open."

Linda Tripp, while taping Monica Lewinsky, 1997