Book Covers With Washed-Out Farmland Look Are Popular This Summer | The New Republic

Splendor in the Grass

The washed-out farmland look is popular this season

Jane Smiley's new novel, Some Luck (out in October), is the clearest distillation of the trend: cornfield, broad blue sky, barn.

Some Luck
Some Luck, by Jane Smiley.

Another cornfield, another clear-blue sky: Flight 232 (out in July).

Flight 232
Flight 232: A Story of Disaster and Survival, by Laurence Gonzales.

More fields—not corn this time: The Road Back to Sweetgrass (September).

The Road Back to Sweetgrass
The Road Back to Sweetgrass, by Linda LeGarde Grover.

A more crowded cover, Keeping the Bees (paperback issued this past May), keeps the green-field-blue-sky combo. 

Keeping the Bees
Keeping the Bees, by Laurence Packer.

And here's the parenting book version: Freeing Your Child From Anxiety (reissued in July).

Freeing Your Child from Anxiety
Freeing Your Child From Anxiety, by Tamar Chansky, Ph.D. 

Nora Roberts' The Fall of Shane Mackade (July), swaps the early-morning filter for a dusty dusk.

The Fall of Shane Mackade
The Fall of Shane Mackade, by Nora Roberts.

Wildflowers instead of cornstalks on Marilynne Robinson's Lila (October).

Lila, by Marilynne Robinson.

A little perspective: Jo-Ann Mapson's Solomon's Oak (reissued in paperback this year) has the field in the distance.

Solomon's Oak
Solomon's Oak, by Jo-Ann Mapson.