Alessandro Penso Photos on Immigration in Europe | The New Republic

Photos That Brutally Demonstrate What Teenagers Will Endure to Escape to Europe

This is what life as an immigrant in limbo looks like

Alessandro Penso

Italian photographer Alessandro Penso clicked his shutter just as Mostafa El Mouzdahir, a 20-year old from Morocco, was purposefully hit by a car. El Mouzdahir sustained multiple injuries. When Penso went to see him at the hospital, he was holding a form police had given him, stating he had to leave Greece within 15 days. He was there illegally.

Penso has spent several years documenting Europe’s worsening immigration crisis. He’s produced work on detention centres in Malta, migrant workers in southern Italy, and in 2012, he began a project documenting young people stuck in immigrant limbo, in Greece. Many of them are barely 18 years old.

Alessandro Penso
A group of North Africans was attacked by three locals in Corinth, Greece. Mostafa El Mouzdahir, a 20-year old from Morocco, was hit by a car.
Alessandro Penso
Mohamed from Morocco and his friends hide behind the rocks at the port in Corinth, Greece, during the night, waiting for the right moment to illegally board a ship bound for Italy. In Greece, more than 99 percent of requests for political asylum are refused. 

“At the time, Greece had the harshest immigration regulations in Europe," Penso told an interviewer earlier this year.  "Almost all applications for asylum were being refused and a wall was being constructed on the country’s northern border to stem immigration in that part of the country. The economic crisis that was engulfing Greece was also contributing to a marked rise in xenophobia.” 

In order to raise awareness of this crisis, Penso’s photo series, Youth Denied, has been traveling across Europe on a truck, ending up—appropriately—in front of the European Parliament in Brussels last week. “I felt the need to speak with the people who usually see only  a small part of the situation," he says in the interview. "What better place to do this than in piazzas and city squares, and what more symbolic a way than on a  truck, which is one of the means used by migrants ... to move between EU member states illegally." 

Alessandro Penso
View from the factory where illegal immigrants live, near the port of Patras. Patras is one of the main escape points from Greece, due to the numerous cargo ships that dock in the port and are bound for Italy.
Alessandro Penso
17-year-old Ali from Algeria lives in the old train station of Corinth, a small sea town on the Peloponnese. He is hoping to board a boat en route to Western Europe.
Alessandro Penso
Young Afghans cooking in an abandoned factory in Patras, Greece.

In Europe, migrants must claim asylum in the first country they enter or the first country in which they are identified. The purpose of this regulation (called "Dublin II") is to discourage multiple asylum claims, but the rules severely tax the resources of the countries bordering the Mediterranean, like Italy, or Greece. And the regulation often disadvantages migrants seeking to move beyond these Mediterranean countries, many of whom are often en route to relatives already established in another country. If they are found in another country, they get sent back to the country of reception.

Alessandro Penso
Three young Afghans spend the night in an abandoned building near the beach of Patras, Greece. 
Alessandro Penso
Mohammed from Algeria lives inside the old Columbia records factory in Athens. The factory has been completely abandoned, and kids of various nationalities now take refuge there. 

One of Penso’s goals with this exhibit, he says, was to have “the chance to raise awareness about this issue within the broader community of people who share their cities and towns with refugees and who are the first to confront the issue of immigration.” He aims to give a voice and a face to these millions of young people, who are often stranded and left in the lurch by a flawed system. This is not a local problem, it’s a European one.

Alessandro Penso
A group of Afghan teenagers trying to illegally board trucks going to Italy. Attempting to board trucks that will subsequently be loaded onto cargo ships is one of the most common modes of escape.
Alessandro Penso
Mohammed, Ahmed, and Nabi from Morocco in the wagon where they live, in an abandoned train station of Corinth, Greece.

Since Brussels, Penso's truck has made its way to Cortona, Italy, where it is part of the Cortona on the Move photography festival. 

Alessandro Penso
Afghan boys throwing stones into the sea. They are waiting for evening, when they will try to sneak into the port in Patras, Greece, where they hope to board a ship bound for Italy.