Portraits of Tolstoy Joyce Waugh Rilke West | The New Republic

Gorgeous Vintage Sketches of Tolstoy and Your Other Favorite Authors

The early 1980s were a golden age for pen and ink sketches in The New Republic’s pages; in fact, the works below are just a small sample of the beauty and energy Jack Coughlin, Vint Lawrence, and others brought to our pages. Each sketch takes a well-known visage and reinterprets it, and some even have hidden images inside them (hint: check out Joyce’s glasses).

To mark its 100th anniversary, The New Republic is republishing a collection of its most memorable articles. This week’s theme: Vintage cartoons.

These images originally appeared in The New Republic in various issues in 1982 and 1983.

Leo Tolstoy

Rebecca West

Evelyn Waugh

Rainer Marie Rilke

Thomas Hardy

James Joyce