A Form of Love: New Exhibit Salutes Bravery of War Photographers | The New Republic

War Photographers Pay Tribute to Their Colleagues

Manu Brabo/FreeJamesFoley.org

Though prompted by recent attacks on journalists, the new exhibition, “A Form of Love,” is much more: an homage to the fathomless courage of the conflict correspondent. Organized and curated by photographers Jordan Sullivan, Aaron Stern, and Sebastiano Tomada Piccolomini, the exhibition and accompanying book will raise money for the Tim Hetherington Trust and the James W. Foley Legacy Fund.

ALEPPO, SYRIA: In Aleppo, members of the Free Syrian Army find cover inside of a building during a firefight with Bashar Al Assad forces. September 25, 2012. (Photo by Sebastiano Tomada/Reportage by Getty Images)
ALEPPO, SYRIA: Free Syrian Army fighters attempt to save the life of a civilian severely wounded by a Syrian Army sniper along one of Aleppo's front lines. October 21, 2012. (Photo by Sebastiano Tomada/Reportage by Getty Images) 
Sebastiano Tomada
KUNAR PROVINCE, AFGHANISTAN: U.S. Army soldiers from the 10th Mountain Division fire mortar rounds from their Combat Outpost during a surprise attack by Taliban fighters.
Sebastiano Tomada Piccolomini
Larry Burrows
SOUTH VIETNAM: An ammunition airlift during the relief of Khe Sanh. April 1968 (Photo by Larry Burrows)
KUNAR PROVINCE, AFGHANISTAN: Men of Second Platoon have an inter-squad fight at the Restrepo outpost. Boredom is a constant companion as men wait for fighting. June 2008. (Photo by Tim Hetherington)
AFGHANISTAN: Voting during Afghan Presidential Elections. 2004. (Photo by Cristopher Anderson)
©Christopher Anderson / Magnum
© Franco Pagetti