Paid Leave This Week: Marissa Mayer's Bad Example for Yahoo Workers | The New Republic

Paid Leave This Week: Marissa Mayer's Bad Example for Yahoo Workers

Brian Ach/Getty Images for TechCrunch

As part of our ongoing coverage of paid leave, we’re rounding up the most important news from the week. Here’s what you need to know about paid leave, working parents, and child care in the United States and abroad.

Marissa Mayer plans to head right back to work. Yahoo offers new mothers 16 weeks paid leave, but its CEO won’t use any of it. Mayer announced on Tumblr this week that she’s pregnant with twins, and will be “taking limited time away and working throughout.” 

Netflix’s uneven parental leave attracts protests. Netflix’s ballyhooed "unlimited” parental leave only applies to the well-paid employees on its digital side. Activists gathered at Netflix headquarters Tuesday to protest the inequality—though The Washington Post’s Lydia DePillis questions if they picked the wrong target. 

Ted Cruz doesn’t believe the government should require paid parental leave. Don’t worry though! The presidential candidate does think maternity leave and paternity leave are "wonderful things,” for the 12 percent of workers whose employers actually offer it.  

Here’s the latest Democratic plan help working parents: Offer low and moderate-income families a child-care tax credit worth up to $14,000, suggests a new policy proposal from the The Center for American Progress. The subsidy could only be used at child-care centers that meet a certain quality standard.

India considers raising paid maternity leave to eight months. Under the current law, Indian women get three months off.