Sanders calls Clinton out for taking campaign donations from big money. Clinton has the response of the century. | The New Republic

Sanders calls Clinton out for taking campaign donations from big money. Clinton has the response of the century.

Strap in and prepare to have an entire East Texas highway stand’s worth of fireworks explode six inches from your face.

After Sanders noted that campaign donations from coal, oil, and Wall Street tycoons seem to be purchasing something, Clinton clapped back: Along with her massive corporate donors, she also has small ones, 60 percent of them women. And furthermore, she rebuked the terrorists after 9/11 by rebuilding the immediate geographical vicinity of Wall Street proper.

When a live tweet presented later in the debate questioned Clinton’s ready elision of campaign finance questions with invocations of 9/11, Clinton clarified: It was her support of Wall Street in those dark days that earned her the respect of many New York City-based bankers, who now fund her campaign despite their disagreements. God bless America.