The U.S. is fighting Islamic terrorism by selling more weapons to a prominent state sponsor of Islamic terrorism. | The New Republic

The U.S. is fighting Islamic terrorism by selling more weapons to a prominent state sponsor of Islamic terrorism.

Approved by the U.S. State Department Monday, amid rancorous calls from the American right for President Obama to Do Something Because Paris, the latest arms deal between the longtime allies would send $1.29 billion in bombs and “smart” bombing technology to the Saudi Arabian air force, the AFP reported. According to the State Department’s Defense Security Cooperation Agency, the Saudi military is running low on laser-guided explosives due to its ongoing aerial assault of Yemen, which is sure to lead to a decisive victory over the forces of evil and in no way contribute to the further destabilization of the region or radicalization of its inhabitants. 

Congress still needs to sign off on the arms shipment, and now seems like as good a time as any to reexamine the U.S.’s toxic relationship with a monarchy whose ruling class has a long and well-documented history of financing jihadist groups throughout the Middle East and beyond. Thus far, however, all signs indicate the deal will sail through unopposed. Later Monday afternoon, newly elected House Speaker Paul Ryan said he was considering whether to shut down the government over funding for the relocation of Syrian refugees.