It is apparently impossible for Ben Carson to grasp even "one iota of intelligent information about the Middle East." | The New Republic

It is apparently impossible for Ben Carson to grasp even "one iota of intelligent information about the Middle East."


That’s according to Carson’s own national security and terrorism adviser, Duane R. Clarridge, who decided to reveal to The New York Times that Carson is struggling mightily with the basics of foreign policy. Clarridge said Carson needs weekly tutorials so “we can make him smart,” but to no avail. Another adviser, Armstrong Williams, told the Times that the lessons aren’t just getting through. “He’s been briefed on it so many times,” Williams said of a recent flub in which Carson was unable to name the countries he would call on to join a coalition against ISIS. “I guess he just froze.” 

While we appreciate their honesty, it’s still pretty amazing that Clarridge and Williams would just offer these details to the paper of record. We can only surmise that they considered it their patriotic duty to make sure the public is informed.

Update: The Carson campaign says the Times, in speaking to Clarridge, had “taken advantage of an elderly gentleman,” who has “incomplete knowledge” of the “daily briefings” Carson receives.