If Senate Democrats block the GOP refugee bill, "we'll crucify them," says incomprehensibly uncouth GOP aide. | The New Republic

If Senate Democrats block the GOP refugee bill, "we'll crucify them," says incomprehensibly uncouth GOP aide.


This aide appears to have no idea what Syria is or what’s going on there—like, y’know, dozens of actual crucifixions. Whoever hired this chump should have the U.N. and Homeland Security do their vetting for them, which would not only give them a taste of what actual would-be refugees go through, but might result in some better hiring options.

In the meantime, Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid says there’s no need to be alarmed about the GOP’s refugee bill, which would effectively suspend resettlement of Syrian refugees inside the United States, because it will never even make it to President Obama’s desk for a veto.