Don't travel anywhere for the next three months, basically. | The New Republic

Don't travel anywhere for the next three months, basically.

That’s the length of the State Department’s new worldwide travel alert, prompted by “increased terrorist threats” resulting from Islamic State members returning from Syria and Iraq.

Presumably the word “worldwide” includes the United States, which makes the timing of this alert particularly unfortunate (or at least unnerving): Thanksgiving break is the busiest travel period of the year.

But the government focused on a few other countries:

In the past year, there have been multiple attacks in France, Nigeria, Denmark, Turkey, and Mali. ISIL/Da’esh has claimed responsibility for the bombing of a Russian airliner in Egypt. 

That’s six of the 195 independent states in the world.

The travel alert expires on February 24, 2016, at which point you should feel free to travel wherever you please, whether it be for a belated Thanksgiving dinner with your parents or a walking tour of Raqqa.