Watch Ted Cruz read Christmas classics like “How Obamacare Stole Christmas” and “Rudolf the Underemployed Reindeer.” | The New Republic

Watch Ted Cruz read Christmas classics like “How Obamacare Stole Christmas” and “Rudolf the Underemployed Reindeer.”

Never one to shy away from spreading holiday cheer, Cruz launched his most recent television ad in Iowa this weekend. In it, he reads Christmas stories aloud to his family.

“Twas the night before the shutdown and all through the House, not a bill was stirring, not even to fund a mouse,” Cruz intones. The ad aired during Saturday Night Live, which presumably accounts for its lighthearted tone. But the “House” puns? The awkward extra syllables in “not even to fund a mouse”? This is trademark Cruz, who has regaled audiences in Iowa with renditions of The Princess Bride and who once read Green Eggs and Ham while filibustering the Affordable Care Act on the Senate floor.

The ad, which lasts a full minute and a half, also mentions other Christmas classics like “Frosty the Speaker of the House,” “Auditing Saint Nick,” and “The Grinch Who Lost Her Emails.” It ends with the “inspiring new Christmas story soon to be an instant classic: The Senator Who Saved Christmas.”

“This is a good one,” Cruz says. 

“If you are not completely satisfied with this collection of Cruz Christmas classics,” the narrator concludes, “you probably hate Christmas—and America.” Iowans, you have been warned. Vote for Ted Cruz or be labeled a Scrooge!