Nerd dreams do come true. | The New Republic

Nerd dreams do come true.

A rail-thin nerd is challenged in a dance off. Little is expected of him; he stands still, self-consciously, in glasses, a T-shirt, and medium-wash jeans, encircled in the lunchroom by the entire school. He is almost taunted, danced at, by his opponent. But once it is his turn, he is calm. He is smooth. His back begins to arch in a graceful body wave. The crowd ripples with surprise. 

His footwork is intricate. He does a leg jump, and the crowd loses it, but he is not done, his final flourish a spin on his knees. The crowd goes insane. Even the cameraman cannot stop screaming. His opponent hugs him warmly. 

It is not a dream. It happened in real life. Here is the evidence.