They’re calling this weekend’s mid-Atlantic snowstorm the “Dark Knight.” | The New Republic

They’re calling this weekend’s mid-Atlantic snowstorm the “Dark Knight.”

Warner Bros.

That’s the title of a nerdy forum at totaling more than 360 pages and 7,200 posts. Others are calling the storm “historic,” a “blockbuster blizzard for the ages” that is sending “a shiver up the East Coast.”

The Washington Post’s Capital Weather Gang described the situation in laymen’s terms, for those of us who are baffled by obscure acronyms, goofy lingo (“It’s peanut butter Euro time”), and esoteric weather maps:

Wherever you are Friday evening, it is quite possible you may need to remain there until Sunday or Monday, or even a bit longer.

Whether the snow accumulation will rival the 2009-2010 Snowmageddon is up for debate, but if these meteorological predictions do pan out, it’s OK to panic.

What’s not OK? Portmanteau hashtags.