Watch Bernie Sanders and Stephen Colbert eat peanuts, drink beer, and burn Bill O’Reilly. | The New Republic

Watch Bernie Sanders and Stephen Colbert eat peanuts, drink beer, and burn Bill O’Reilly.

Sanders dropped by The Late Show last night for his second visit in Colbert’s brief tenure. While Bernie was banished to the second slot—behind Ben Stiller, who was there promoting $oolander—he was all over the show. First, he crashed Colbert’s monologue, cracking jokes and introducing the house band “Stay Yooman.” 

Then he sat down for a long talk with Colbert about his electability, (democratic) socialism, and why O’Reilly is wrong about everything. (O’Reilly appeared on Colbert’s show earlier this week, where he said Sanders and Donald Trump were two sides of the same coin and announced he would move to Ireland if Bernie won the general election.)

And then Colbert, a South Carolina native, gave Bernie some advice on winning the state’s Democratic primary: If you want to win, you have to like beer and boiled peanuts. He then he gave him some beer and boiled peanuts. “If you like boiled peanuts, it’ll certainly give you a leg up in South Carolina,” Colbert said, prompting Sanders to take a swig of beer and a handful of peanuts. You can watch that segment of the interview here