Is Telemundo Trump’s new Fox? | The New Republic

Is Telemundo Trump’s new Fox?

At tonight’s GOP debate, Telemundo’s Maria Celeste Arras asked Trump if Hispanic voters’ generally poor opinion of him will make him unelectable in a general election. She referred to a new Telemundo poll that reported three of four Hispanic voters view Trump negatively.

“I don’t believe anything Telemundo says,” Trump retorted.

It’s not the first time he’s lashed out at the Spanish-language network. In August, he cut off Telemundo anchor Jose Diaz-Balart during a press conference and informed him he was “finished.” And in July, he told a Telemundo reporter that he should be ashamed of himself, after the reporter questioned Trump’s claim that many Mexican immigrants are rapists.

Fox, it looks like you might have some company in Trump’s media doghouse.