A Texas lawmaker wants to know how often “pure, sober sexual assault” happens on college campuses. | The New Republic

A Texas lawmaker wants to know how often “pure, sober sexual assault” happens on college campuses.

Brian Harkin/Getty Images

The Dallas Morning News reports that during a committee discussion on campus rape, State Representative Myra Crownover (R-Denton) stated:

I would be curious to see how many times a pure, sober sexual assault happened. And I think that’s something we need to talk about. ...I think it’s very intertwined, and that needs to be in every conversation, practically. The best chance is being sober.

The remark reveals a clear fallacy that often comes up in campus sexual assault debates: that the onus should fall on victims to change their actions, rather than on men to stop raping. Rape reduction strategies constantly ask women to change their behavior but, as activist Wagatwe Wanjuki notes, “We know that tips about traveling in groups, not wearing short skirts and avoiding taking a sip of alcohol just do not work.” I mean, why not just tell women to not leave their homes at all?