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Barack Obama likes Justin Trudeau.

“Now, I don’t want to gloss over the very real differences between Americans and Canadians.” Obama joked during a press conference with the young, popular Canadian prime minister. “There are some things we will probably never agree on. Whose beer is better? Who’s better at hockey? Where’s the Stanley Cup right now? I’m sorry, is it in my hometown, with the Chicago Blackhawks?”

This might be the bro-iest Obama has been since the departure of Reggie Love. This is like the diplomatic version of Steph Curry and Lionel Messi becoming Instagram pals. Trudeau is definitely a better partner than David Cameron, who embarrassed Obama with his atrocious table tennis game. Maybe it’s time to rethink who the essential ally really is: a guy who melts panda’s hearts or a guy who gets schooled by kids.