Maybe Bill de Blasio should drop the whole “C.P. time” thing. | The New Republic

Maybe Bill de Blasio should drop the whole “C.P. time” thing.

Yana Paskova/Getty Images

The mayor of New York City continues to insist that his misguided skit with Hillary Clinton—in which they staged a joke that played on the concept of “colored people time”—was not misguided at all. Today, he agreed with a radio host’s suggestion that the controversy was somehow Bernie Sanders’s fault, that it was the product of “anti-Hillary fervor and the pro-Bernie fervor.” De Blasio added, “I would think that makes sense, because otherwise I can’t figure out. I just can’t figure it out.”

But sometimes it’s not about figuring it out. Sometimes you just have to move on. And sometimes you have to have a headline with your name in it that doesn’t include the phrase “C.P. time.”