Everyone got it good at the president’s final WHCD speech. On Reince Preibus’s leadership at the Republican National Committee: “Congratulations on all your success! The Republican Party, the nomination process, it’s all going great. Keep it up!” On Hillary Clinton’s attempts to appeal to young voters: “Did you get my poke? Is it on my wall? I’m not sure I’m using this right. Love, Aunt Hillary.” On the conundrum facing Republican voters: “Guests were asked to check whether they wanted steak or fish, but instead a whole bunch of you wrote in Paul Ryan. That’s not an option, people. Steak or fish. You may not like steak or fish. But that’s your choice.” And my personal favorite, on Bill de Blasio’s “C.P. time” fiasco: “I do apologize if I was a little late tonight. I was running on CPT, which stands for jokes white people should not make.”
But the digs at the press were frequent and barbed. “Jake Tapper left journalism to go to CNN,” he said at one point. “F--k you, Chuck Todd,” he exclaimed. (Jokingly! But still.) And most notably, he skewered the media for abetting Donald Trump’s rise. “I think we can all agree that, from the start, he’s gotten the appropriate amount of coverage befitting the seriousness of his candidacy. I hope you all are proud of yourselves. The guy wanted to give his hotel business a boost, and now we’re praying that Cleveland makes it through July.” Watch the entire speech below: