President Obama says, “I’m with her.” | The New Republic

President Obama says, “I’m with her.”

His official endorsement comes less than 48 hours after Hillary Clinton secured the Democratic nomination, in a video posted by her campaign. “I am fired up, and I cannot wait to get out there and campaign for Hillary,” he says, proclaiming her the most qualified candidate to ever seek the office.

The Washington Post is reporting that Obama will hit the campaign trail next week, joining Clinton for events in Wisconsin. Democrats hope that Obama’s standing with liberal voters, coupled with his unrivaled ability as a campaigner and orator, will help smooth over some of the rifts between Clinton’s campaign and supporters of Bernie Sanders.

The release comes just hours after he met with the Vermont senator in the Oval Office. Sanders has yet to end his campaign, though he hinted he would drop out after the final primary next week in Washington, D.C.