Nigel Farage wants to know who’s laughing now. | The New Republic

Nigel Farage wants to know who’s laughing now.

In his first appearance at the European Parliament since the Brexit vote, Farage—whose sole elected position is within the institution he hates—decided to take his message of anti-EU defiance right to its heart. Amid the jeering and booing of his continental colleagues, UKIP’s leader stood up proudly to deliver a monologue that reveled in his decades-old grudge against skeptics of his ultimate goal.

“When I came here 17 years ago, and I said that I wanted to lead a campaign to get Britain to leave the European Union, you all laughed at me,” he said. “Well I have to say, you’re not laughing now are you?”

Later in his speech, however, he made an appeal to maintain the current trade agreement that the U.K. enjoys as a member of the EU, but on the premise that the EU had far more to lose than a Britain free from the yoke of Brussels’s bureaucratic oppression. “If you were to decide to cut off your noses to spite yours faces, and reject any idea of a sensible trade deal, the consequences will be far worse for you than it would be for us,” he said.

Any such possibility has been categorically ruled out by the EU. But hey, at least he got his country back.