If Trump has lost Andrea Peyser... | The New Republic

If Trump has lost Andrea Peyser...

then it’s hard to see how he pulls out a victory in November. It’s hard to think of a person more inclined to vote for Trump than the longtime New York Post columnist. She’s called cyclists in New York “terrorists on wheels” and “assassins in Spandex.” Her favorite jokes are prison-rape jokes. She prefers Jay Leno. She described Huma Abedin as a “furious internet cuckold” during the Anthony Weiner sexting controversy (the second one). She once implied that President Obama is gay, questioning whether one of his gaffes was a “minor slip” or “a rude insight into the brain of Obama, a man as comfortable in the company of women as Tom Cruise.” This woman, Andrea Peyser, now declares, “I can no longer justify calling myself a Trump supporter,” citing his feud with the Khans and his general “lunacy and bigotry.” She’s also had it with his sexism:

When I visited about two months after his lovely wife, Melania, now 46, gave birth to the couple’s son, Barron, now 10, the infamous germophobe boasted that after fathering five children, he’d never changed a diaper.

I enthused that Melania, who stood quietly nearby aboard 5-inch stilettos, had lost all her baby weight. Trump corrected me: “She’s almost lost all the baby weight.’’

I was embarrassed for the mother of his youngest kid, who ignored the dig. Trump staffers asked a photographer and me to put sterile cotton booties over our shoes so as not to sully the carpet. It was time to get the hell out of the loony bin.

I can’t believe I’m saying this, but Andrea Peyser is right.