(((Donald Trump))) is a cuck. | The New Republic

(((Donald Trump))) is a cuck.


Changing positions is a subtle political art. Most politicians never master it. Some pivot gracefully. Donald Trump goes on to Sean Hannity’s show and polls the audience, Should I flip flop, yes or no? 

The answer was yes, and not vis-a-vis some trivial issue, but on the issue that defines his campaign, the one he used to hack the Republican primary: immigration reform. 

Trump is now embracing the idea of letting law-abiding, undocumented immigrants who’ve been in the U.S. for many years live out the rest of their lives here legally. An amnesty, in other words. Just like Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio. 

Not to get too technical here, but by the standards of his own core supporters in the white nationalist “alt right,” this makes Trump a cuck. Just like Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio.

As it happens, Hillary Clinton is giving a speech today denouncing the alt-right as a cradle of racism and weird frog memes. Trump’s change of heart on immigration creates an opportunity for her to sow division among its ranks as well, by persuading them that Trump is a cuck.