Anthony Weiner finally did the right thing. (He deleted his Twitter account.) | The New Republic

Anthony Weiner finally did the right thing. (He deleted his Twitter account.)

Deleting your Twitter account is always a good idea, no matter who you are, but it’s an especially good idea if you’re Anthony Weiner.

Weiner, the star of the documentary Weiner, deleted his account after The New York Post reported that he had sent pictures of his semi-clothed dick to yet another woman who is not his wife, top Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin. The former congressman allegedly sent a bunch of flirty DMs to a “busty brunette,” including one of him taking off his shirt (eh), several close-ups of his tighty-whities featuring the outlines of his weiner (old hat, still gross), and one of his dad abs and his bulge while he was in bed with his infant son (father of the year material).

Weiner’s sexting scandals are always pretty funny because of his last name (it’s “weiner”), but if it wasn’t already readily apparent that he had a problem—a level of neediness bordering on addiction—it certainly is now. Weiner has, twice now, said that he’s put his old ways (i.e. sending dong shots to strangers) behind him, and twice now he has continued to send dong shots to strangers.

Weiner’s own political career has been cooked for a while, but the Post story is certainly an unwelcome one for his wife, both personally and professionally, and a distraction for her boss, who is running for president. While the Clinton campaign has treated Donald Trump’s recent hire of Breitbart chief Steve Bannon as the gift horse that it is, any trouble at home—including something as benign and inevitable as Anthony Weiner sending pictures of his dick to people he’s never met—is going to be seized on by Trump, who will inevitably tweet about it at some point today.

But three and a half years after his first sexting scandal, Anthony Weiner finally did something right: He deleted his account, hopefully forever.