Anthony Weiner’s weiner did not endanger national security. | The New Republic

Anthony Weiner’s weiner did not endanger national security.


Donald Trump’s response to Huma Abedin’s decision to separate from her husband was inevitable. Abedin is a beloved secondary character in alt right conspiracy theories about Hillary Clinton, and Weiner’s repeated infidelities echo those of Clinton’s husband, a note Trump has hit again and again, as a clumsy attempt to win over skeptical women voters.

In a statement reminiscent of his obsession with the ill-fated Robert Pattinson-Kirsten Stewart romance, Trump first struck a supportive note, telling The New York Times, “Huma is making a very wise decision. I know Anthony Weiner well, and she will be far better off without him.” But then Trump tried to make Weiner’s serial sexting about Clinton.

“I only worry for the country in that Hillary Clinton was careless and negligent in allowing Weiner to have such close proximity to highly classified information. Who knows what he learned and who he told? It’s just another example of Hillary Clinton’s bad judgment. It is possible that our country and its security have been greatly compromised by this.”

Even for Trump, this is a silly attempt to politicize something that is not at all political. Even more absurd is the fact that exactly one year ago, Trump made the exact same point, calling Weiner a “perv” and, you guessed it, accusing Clinton and Abedin of putting him in the general vicinity of classified info.

Of course, Abedin would not be allowed to share classified information with her spouse, and there’s no indication that she has, or that Anthony Weiner overlaid pictures of his dong with information regarding the whereabouts of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. But that’s beside the point. Trump is just asking questions about Anthony Weiner’s penis and whether or not it made America less safe.