“Something is wrong with this country.” | The New Republic

“Something is wrong with this country.”

Daniel Leal-Olivas /Getty Images

That’s the message Columbus Mayor Andrew Ginther left citizens with on Thursday morning following the death of 13-year-old Tyree King. Columbus police shot the young boy on Wednesday night after they were called in to respond to an armed robbery. Police report that the boy pulled what looked like a handgun from his waistband, prompting officers to shoot him multiple times. The handgun turned out to be a BB gun.

Farther south, Sandra Bland’s family reached a $1.9 million settlement with Waller County and the Texas Department of Public Safety. In 2015, Bland was found dead in her Texas jail cell three days after being arrested for failing to use her turn signal. Murky details surrounding her arrest and death sparked protests around the country.

Meanwhile, activists of the Black Lives Matter movement are attempting to move from protest to policy. Members of the leadership team met on Wednesday to present “A Vision for Black Lives,” their six-point policy plan that calls for criminal justice reform and economic justice.

The events of the last two days are a reminder that progress is arduous and fickle. While Bland’s settlement and BLM’s attempts to change policy should certainly be celebrated, they are not without the shadow of sobering moments like Tyree King’s death.

Two steps forward, one step back; isn’t that the saying?