Trump’s “400-pound hacker” comments did not go over well with his 4chan supporters. | The New Republic

Trump’s “400-pound hacker” comments did not go over well with his 4chan supporters.

In the first presidential debate, Trump’s feeble command of cybersecurity was an easy target. After noting that it was hard to “get tough on cyber,” he held up his 10-year-old son as an exemplary user of computers, then concluded that “the security aspect of cyber is very, very tough.” But perhaps it was his comments about who was responsible for the summer’s DNC hack that turned the most heads. He waved away the intel that pointed to “Russia, Russia, Russia” and wondered aloud if it was China, or even, he added, “somebody sitting on their bed who weighs 400 pounds.”

In the fringe message board community of 4chan, the barb was personal. “Which one of you 400lb ass holes hacked the DNC,” one joked on the forum, according to this Daily Beast article. It was a strange dig for Trump to make, considering that anonymous 4chan users have been among Trump’s most ardent supporters. They have provided his campaign memes, and are the source of his online mascot, a white nationalist frog named Pepe who often stands in for Trump while bedecked with neo-Nazi symbols. During the debate, in fact, 4chan users had been urging each other to game the online polls to elevate pro-Trump votes on various news sites, which Trump then used as proof that he had won the debates. In the end, it seems, any sense of loyalty Trump may have for his anonymous Internet army cannot match his schoolboy loathing for overweight people.