The Podesta emails reveal that Bernie Sanders is his own food group. | The New Republic

The Podesta emails reveal that Bernie Sanders is his own food group.


The leaked emails show that Hillary Clinton’s initial long list of vice presidential candidates was organized into seven “rough food groups.” These groups were, apparently, as follows: Latino men, white women, boring ol’ white men, black men, buff military men, the 1 percent, and, last and seemingly least, man of the people Bernard Sanders. (Read the full email here.)

Javier Becerra
Julian Castro
Eric Garcetti
Tom Perez
Ken Salazar

Tammy Baldwin
Kirsten Gillibrand
Amy Klobuchar
Claire McKaskill
Jeanne Shaheen
Debbie Stabenow
Elizabeth Warren

Michael Bennet
Sherrod Brown
Martin Heinreich
Tim Kaine
Terry McAuliffe
Chris Murphy
Tom Vilsack

Steve Benjamin
Corey Booker
Andrew Gillum
Eric Holder
Deval Patrick
Kasim Reed
Anthony Foxx

John Allen
Bill McCraven
Mike Mullen

Mary Barra
Michael Bloomberg
Ursula Burns
Tim Cook
Bill Gates
Melinda Gates
Muhtar Kent
Judith Rodin
Howard Schultz

Bernie Sanders

It’s telling that so many business people, such as Apple’s Tim Cook and Starbucks’s Howard Schultz, were on the list—possibly a response to the Trump “businessman turned politician” phenomenon. And it’s interesting to note that the only black woman on the list is Ursula Burns, the CEO of Xerox. But the fact that Sanders is all alone is what really captures the theme of this election season.