The ongoing humiliation of Chris Christie is the election’s only silver lining. | The New Republic

The ongoing humiliation of Chris Christie is the election’s only silver lining.

Jeff Zelevansky/Getty

Everything is bad. By all indications, the Trump administration will be a mix of the worst parts of the Republican establishment wing and the right’s anti-establishment wing, promising four years of increased oligarchy, decreased civil liberties, and global and domestic discord and chaos.

But as my grandma used to say, when times were tough, when God closes a door, He clowns on Chris Christie. Christie seems to be stuck in his version of Groundhog Day. Not only has Bridgegate enveloped him once again, his last week has been eerily reminiscent of July, when it looked like he was first in line to be Donald Trump’s pick for vice president—only to have that role snatched away from him at the last moment, thanks to Paul Manafort lying about a broken plane.

Christie had been leading Trump’s transition effort, but he had to give the keys up shortly after Trump’s election. Now Christie’s efforts on behalf of Trump are quickly being erased.

It’s not entirely clear why Rogers is departing—according to Bloomberg, he’s close with Vice President–elect and transition leader Mike Pence—but it’s becoming increasingly clear that, once again, Chris Christie made it practically all the way to the finish line before losing.