Points to Brock for stubbornness, if nothing else. The Clinton operative is soliciting donations for a new anti-Trump war room run by his super PAC, American Bridge. From The Hill:
Brock claims to have the largest archive of Trump opposition research in the Democratic Party, including thousands of hours of footage that operatives are mining for damaging material.
“The Trump administration is shaping up to be one of the most corrupt since the Gilded Age,” Brock said. “American Bridge will use everything at its disposal to hold it accountable.”
The Trump administration merits watchdogs, and if Brock has the footage he says he does, there’s obvious value in putting it to use. But there’s not a lot of evidence to suggest that a Brock-engineered Trump resistance will be effective.
Let’s look at his record. He runs Media Matters for America, which effectively functioned as a Clinton campaign surrogate during the election and failed to wrest the narrative away from Donald Trump. He runs Shareblue, a more blatant propaganda outlet, which similarly failed to damage Trump’s momentum. And in an anti-establishment age, Brock, as a devoted ally of the Clintons, represents nearly everything voters rejected.
The Democratic Party needs a new direction. It’s not going to come from David Brock. And if the Democratic donor class doesn’t recognize this soon, it’s in for another terrible surprise in 2020.