Trump’s budget proposal is very good for his rich friends and very bad for poor people. It is the job of Mulvaney, the new director of the Office of Management and Budget, to argue otherwise. Alas, he proved this afternoon that his festive shamrock pocket square cannot compensate for his soullessness:
Mulvaney just said that Meals on Wheels is one of those programs "not showing any results"
— Domenico Montanaro (@DomenicoNPR) March 16, 2017
The sole objective of Meals on Wheels is to feed elderly people and keep them alive.
Mulvaney arguing for the elimination of childrens' food programs because it doesn't lead to "demonstrable" improvement in school performance
— Glenn Thrush (@GlennThrush) March 16, 2017
The benefit of such programs is that the kids are fed and remain alive. (Also, studies indicate free school breakfast indeed correlates to improvements in academic performance.)
Mulvaney: Trump considers climate research "a waste of money"
— Steven Dennis (@StevenTDennis) March 16, 2017
We’re starting to see a pattern here. A lot of people will die when their cities fall into the sea and wildfires engulf their homes and pollution gives them cancer.
Mulvaney asked about cuts to humanitarian programs: “That should come as a surprise to no one who watched the campaign”
— Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller) March 16, 2017
That’s right. If poor Americans don’t deserve to eat, then neither do poor people anywhere else! That’s the America First promise.
Everything’s ok though.
.@acosta asks if budget is "hard-hearted."
— Ali Vitali (@alivitali) March 16, 2017
"No I don’t think so," Mulvaney says. "It's one of the most compassionate things we can do."
We are through the looking glass.