Text Cloud Anthology | The New Republic

Text Cloud Anthology

Afternoon alive angel Ali
Belted by birds
Blue boat of your body
Breaks in breath
Broken brother come in
dark disappear down
Don’t exist
The empty editor echoes
Eternal fast find me forgotten
The garden glass hasn’t heard yet
To hollow its horizon higher
Inside Kazim
Kazim knew
Learned light
Lived lost
Limited himself to matter
His memoir of morning
Mother mountain mouth
Never night this orifice open
Orating to ovation
Plucked pot pieces of plot
His prayer pulled quickly from rain
Recitation of rain rejoining the rocks
Rocks rushed to remembering the secret series
Of sun wonders, silence on the shore
Silence someone sounds
Speaking through stone
The sunset stringing us along
Students of the task that of thirst
A thousand trees to teach this trick to us
To understand the voice the verse the version of vanishing
That waits and wants and wonders
Wheel window wander
Yesterday you yearned in the yews
You know then who you were
Who you gathered yourself to be
Zamindar of zinnias
Zephyr through the zoo