Representative Buddy Carter of Georgia used some choice language on Wednesday in his criticism of Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski. Speaking to MSNBC’s Ali Velshi, Carter defended Donald Trump’s Twitter attack against Murkowski, who, along with Susan Collins of Maine, were the only two Republican senators to vote against the motion to proceed on the GOP’s health care legislation earlier this week. When asked what he thought about the president’s attack, Carter replied, “I think it’s perfectly fair. Let me tell you, somebody needs to go over there to that Senate and snatch a knot in their ass.”
Here it is: GOP Rep. Carter, asked about Murkowski: "Somebody needs to go over there to that Senate and snatch a knot in their ass." @MSNBC
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) July 26, 2017
In case you’re wondering what in the world that means, Urban Dictionary defined “snatch a knot” as: “To hit someone, usually used in a threat of punishment or retribution. A knot is generally snatched in one’s ass, though variants include the neck and the head.”
Carter went on to express his frustration with the Republican-led Congress’s inability to fulfill their seven-year-long promise to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. He specifically criticized Murkowski for having previously voted yes on a similar repeal bill in 2015.
Carter’s remarks echoed Texas Representative Blake Farenthold’s assertion earlier this week that he wanted to challenge Murkowski and other female senators to a duel for their opposition to the GOP’s health care reform. “If it was a guy from south Texas, I might ask him to step outside and settle this Aaron Burr-style,” he said.