Eric Greitens, Missouri’s scandal-plagued governor, isn’t going anywhere for now. | The New Republic

Eric Greitens, Missouri’s scandal-plagued governor, isn’t going anywhere for now.

Michael Thomas/ Getty Images

Greitens, the self-proclaimed law-and-order governor, is now studying law-and-order from the other side. A grand jury indicted Greitens on Thursday for taking and transmitting a nude photo of his mistress without her consent. If you thought that the Missouri GOP would ask him to resign, well, you’d be wrong:

Greitens denies the charge, preferring instead to blame the actions of a “reckless liberal prosecutor” for his current predicament. The state party appears to be in full fire-breathing mode, latching onto an increasingly popular, anti-Semitic urban legend about George Soros being some nefarious liberal puppetmaster.

With the party’s backing, it’s entirely possible that Greitens won’t face serious consequences. Donald Trump, after all, has been accused of sexual assault by 19 women and no Republicans are calling on him to step down.