Betsy DeVos might have found a loophole to allow federal funds to arm schools. | The New Republic

Betsy DeVos might have found a loophole to allow federal funds to arm schools.

Alex Wong/Getty

On Wednesday, The New York Times reported that the education secretary is searching for a way around congressional opposition to arming schools. Even with a Republican Congress, the idea of using government money to buy guns for schools is unpopular. In March, a bill funding school safety programs explicitly forbade use of funds for weapons.

But as the Times notes, the education department “is eyeing a program in federal education law, the Student Support and Academic Enrichment grants, that makes no mention of prohibiting weapons purchases. That omission would allow Betsy DeVos, the education secretary, to use her discretion to approve any state or district plans to use grant funding for firearms and firearm training, unless Congress clarifies the law or bars such funding through legislative action.”

President Donald Trump has often expressed an interest in using guns to solve the problem of school shooting. In February he tweeted: