Why does New York make it so hard to vote? | The New Republic

Why does New York make it so hard to vote?

Drew Angerer/Getty Images

New Yorkers will decide a number of high-profile Democratic primaries on Thursday—if they can vote. On Twitter, the state’s residents have shared numerous accounts of voting irregularities, and some consistent themes have emerged. Culture critic Sean T. Collins collected a number of complaints in a lengthy thread: Some voters say they had to cast affidavit ballots after they arrived at their assigned polling location, cards in hand, only to be told by poll workers that they weren’t on the rolls.

Other voters said their party registrations had been mysteriously changed to third parties, like the Reform or Green parties, or the Republican Party. New York doesn’t have open primaries, so only registered Democrats can cast votes in today’s contests:

And in at least one public housing development, the New York City Public Housing Authority reportedly ordered residents inside from 8 am to 4 pm, which would significantly restricts the number of hours residents are free to vote:

New York’s voting laws are notoriously restrictive. Voters who wanted to vote in today’s Democratic primary would have had to register as Democrats as early as October of last year. The state also doesn’t provide any financial support to counties on election day, as Susan Lerner of Common Cause NY told New York magazine on Wednesday.