Brett Kavanaugh plays the victim. | The New Republic

Brett Kavanaugh plays the victim.


Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday was poised but emotional, her cracked voice bringing tears to politicians in the audience and women round the country. Not to be outdone, the Supreme Court nominee she has accused of sexually assaulting her in high school was both furious and weepy in defending himself against the allegations. As he choked up during his opening statement, so did Republican senators John Cornyn and Lindsey Graham, according to an NBC reporter.

In contrast, Cornyn and Graham spared no tears for Blasey, who just minutes earlier had exhaustively detailed her account of sexual assault during cross-examination by a prosecutor handpicked by Senate Republicans. And as journalist Camille Dodero argued, Blasey likely would have been viewed as less credible if she had cried to the extent that Kavanaugh did.

Kavanaugh’s tears did not strengthen the credibility of his own statement, and appears to have had a mixed response in the White House.