The New Republic Makes Pointed Case For President Trump’s Impeachment In December Issue | The New Republic

The New Republic Makes Pointed Case For President Trump’s Impeachment In December Issue

Magazine’s cover story delivers unrestrained argument for impeachment and pushes for what comes next

New York, NY—(November 21, 2019)—The New Republic’s December 2019 issue voices passionate support for the impeachment of Donald Trump. The magazine continues its tradition of dynamic political journalism with pieces by Brianne Gorod, Elizabeth Wydra, and Alex Pareene that together present the in-depth case for Trump’s removal from office and press Democrats to face up to their constitutional duty without fear.

In “High Crimes,” Gorod and Wydra set forth three articles of impeachment that detail how President Trump advanced his own political interest, obstructed justice, and personally received profits in violation of the Foreign Emoluments Clause. “With the nation facing this dire constitutional crisis,” the authors conclude, “the somber remedy of impeachment, enshrined in our founding charter, is warranted.”

Gorod and Wydra also recall the Founding Fathers’ original design for impeachment in “The First Magistrate in Foreign Pay.” They write: “Indeed, the Constitution’s entire system of checks and balances was aimed, at least in part, at preventing the corruption of our nation’s leaders,” with the Founders’ intention to protect the American republic from “corruption...the great force that had undermined republics throughout history.”

Pareene rounds out the cover package with “Making Impeachment Matter,” which uses the President Johnson impeachment proceedings as a lens to examine the current moment. In the Johnson reign, Congress made claims that the president would “self-impeach” as a way of avoiding direct action, just as they have with Trump. Pareene writes: “This faux-savvy posture was and remains an abdication of both political and moral responsibility, particularly when the president isn’t just a criminal, but is actively using government power to entrench racialized despotism — even if permitting him to go ahead and do so is electorally advantageous over the near term.”

Other highlights from the issue include:

In “WeBurn,” Maureen Tkacik continues her corporate exposé reporting with an examination of WeWork CEO Adam Neumann and his spectacular talent for burning through cash. Tkacik, who wrote the “Crash Course” cover feature on Boeing in The New Republic’s October issue, looks into WeWork’s “culture of tyrannical partying,” pointing out that “we’re so accustomed to opiate manufacturers and oil drillers committing crimes in pursuit of profit that we often forget how sinister and unfair the privilege of losing billions is.”

Veteran presidential campaign reporter Walter Shapiro draws on his years of experience in “Cashed Out,” cautioning that journalists “should stop obsessing about fund-raising hauls” and arguing that “with the rise of cable news, campaign cash has played a smaller and even more ambiguous role.” In this political climate, Shapiro insists, anything could happen.

In “Don Giuliani,” Jake Bittle examines how America’s mayor became a practiced purveyor of wild conspiracy theories, with “his entire career [being] conducted in shout-driven, near paranoiac overdrive.” Giuliani’s moment in the spotlight will soon likely end with “the now familiar trajectory of the mediagenic Trump ally, from Fox pundit to late-night punch line.”

The entire December 2019 issue of The New Republic is available on newsstands and via digital subscription now.


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