GOPers Now Openly Admit Trump’s Flailing Could Cost Them Senate | The New Republic

GOPers Now Openly Admit Trump’s Flailing Could Cost Them Senate

As Republicans start publicly worrying that Trump’s struggles could squander their Senate chances, a veteran Democratic strategist explains how Kamala Harris’s surge is changing the map.

Donald Trump stares off into the distance
Grant Baldwin/Getty Images
Former President Donald Trump in Asheville, North Carolina, on August 14

According to a new report in The Hill, GOP aides and strategists fear that Donald Trump’s inability to adjust to Kamala Harris’s surge is shifting the Senate map against them. That’s striking, given how heavily the Senate map is tilted toward Republicans. So we checked in with Justin Barasky, a veteran Democratic operative who has worked on many Senate races over the years and is now involved in contests in Ohio and Arizona. He helps us break down the map and assesses how realistic these GOP fears are, as well as what all this says about the true nature of Harris’s surge and Trump’s struggles. Listen to this episode here.